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Information for Incoming Exchange Students

General Policy

Our School’s general policy is that incoming exchange / visiting students are only eligible for advanced-level ENGL courses, as we only admit students with prior academic background in English Studies and/or Language and Communication at their home institution. Please note that incoming exchange / visiting students are ineligible to take introductory-level ENGL courses. 


For taking advanced-level ENGL courses, students must pass 3 introductory-level ENGL courses (with at least one from both List A and List B). Exchange students who would like to register for advanced-level courses should send their academic transcripts to the Undergraduate Team of the General Office via email (english@hku.hk) BEFORE the course registration period. After vetting the academic transcripts received, whether the student is eligible for taking advanced-level ENGL courses offered by the School of English at HKU will be confirmed. 

Eligible students can then register for advanced-level ENGL courses during the course registration period. Approval/disapproval of course enrollment will be subject to a number of factors, including but not limited to the exchange student’s host faculty at HKU, the course capacity, and the number of students who have signed up. 

Exchange students should send us their transcripts as early as possible, so that the School has adequate time to vet their transcripts and enroll them into ENGL courses that they would like to take at HKU. 

SUBMISSION OF english proficiency tests

Students who intend to enroll in ENGL courses are required to demonstrate that they have achieved the requisite level of English proficiency.

1) If the medium of instruction at your home University is English, please send a copy of your most up-to-date academic transcript to the Undergraduate Team of the General Office via email (english@hku.hk).

2) If the medium of instruction at your home University is NOT English, please refer to the following link for a link of English language proficiency tests accepted by the School of English: https://english.hku.hk/Undergraduate/Curriculum/English_proficiency_pre-requisite_for_ENGL_and_LCOM_courses