Book chapters and refereed articles in journals and books. For major publications (books) see -- main page.
1. Belonging and Placelessness in the Postmodern Novel' (pp.373-385), in Space and Place: The Geographies of Literature (Liverpool: Liverpool John Moore's University Press, 1997).
2. 'Post-imperial Topographies: The Ungrounding of History in The Singapore Grip, Insular Possession and Waterland' , (pp. 112-117) in Ralph Crane (ed), J.G. Farrell: The Critical Grip (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1999).
3. 'Postmodern Blackness and Unbelonging in the Works of Caryl Phillips', The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 37 (2, 2002), pp. 5-19.
4. Revised version of 'Postmodern Blackness and Unbelonging in the Works of Caryl Phillips' printed in On the Road to Baghdad, or Traveling Biculturalism: Theorizing a Bicultural Approach to Contemporary World Fiction, ed. Gonul Pultar (New Academia, 2005), pp. 273 – 288.
5-6. 'Peter Ackroyd' - biographical profile and essay on Hawksmoor (with Julia Kuehn) in the Literary Encyclopedia (web-based publication, ed. Robert Clark, 2002-4)
7-9. 'Caryl Phillips' - biographical profile, and essays on Tom Stoppard's Travesties and Arcadia (with Julia Kuehn) Literary Encyclopedia (web-based publication, ed. Robert Clark, 2003/4)
10-18. 'Oderic of Pordenone', 'Paul Theroux', 'Claude Levi-Strauss', 'Fictional Travel', 'Imperialist Narrative', 'Tourism', 'Daniel Defoe', 'Jonathan Swift', 'Jan Morris' (9 articles) in The Literature of Travel and Exploration (Taylor Francis, 2003)
19. 'Travels in Globablity: Pico Iyer and Jan Morris in Hong Kong', Studies in Travel Writing 8 (2, 2004): 179-197.
20. 'The Journey from Modern to Postmodern in The Travels of Sir John Mandeville and Marco Polo's Divisament dou Monde', in Studies in Medievalism (special issue, Postmodern Medievalisms (Boydell and Brewer, 2005), pp. 159 – 179.
21. 'Introduction' to Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, (New York: Barnes and Noble, 2005) XXV11 - XL1
22. 'No place for Shakespeare in Utopia: high culture and low conditioning’, in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World' in David Izzo (ed.), Brave New World: Essays. (2008)
23. ‘Introduction’ to Julia Kuehn and Paul Smethurst (eds), Travel Writing, Form and Empire (Routledge, 2009), pp. 1-18.
24. ‘Post-Orientalism and the Past-Colonial in William Dalrymple’s Travel Histories’, in Justin Edwards and Rune Graulund (eds), Postcolonial Travel Writing: Critical Explorations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. 156-172.
25. ‘Peripheral Vision, Landscape, and Nation-Building in Thomas Pennant’s Tours of Scotland, 1769-72’, in Benjamin Colbert (ed), Travel Writing and Tourism in Britain and Ireland (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), pp. 13-30.
26. ‘The Flaneur on Wheels: Bicycle Mobility and the Sociological Gaze in Edward Thomas’s In Pursuit of Spring, in Studies in Travel Writing, September, 2014 (3).
27. ‘Discoverers and Explorers’ in The Routledge Companion to Travel Writing ed. Carl Thompson, (forthcoming, 2014).
28. ‘The Geocritical Imagination’ in English Language Notes ( ELN), special issue on ‘Imaginary Cartographies’ (In press, 52.1, Spring/Summer 2014)
29. ‘Habits of a Landscape: The Geocritical Imagination in Robert Macfarlane’s The Wild Places and The Old Ways in New Directions in Travel Studies, eds. Julia Kuehn and Paul Smethurst (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
30. ‘Introduction’ to New Directions in Travel Studies, eds. Julia Kuehn and Paul Smethurst (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015).
31. ‘Traveller/Travellee’, ‘Abroad’ and ‘Politics’ (3 articles) in Keywords in Travel Writing, eds. Zoe Kinsley, Charles Forsdick and Kate Walchester (Anthem Press, 2016).
32. ‘Travel Writing and the City’ in The Palgrave Handbook to Literature and the City (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
33. ‘Nature Writing: The End of Nature and the Return of the Wild’ in The Ashgate Research Companion in Travel Writing, eds. Alasdair Pettinger and Tim Youngs (forthcoming, 2017).
Other outputs
'Marco Polo's Travels: The Book That Changed the World' - Special issue of Time Magazine, Summer 2006.
'Society in the Future: Utopia and Dystopia', in Digitale Oberstufe Englisch, Modul 3 / English Interactive, Advanced 2, (Berlin: Cornelson, 2003) CD-ROM publication.
Book reviews
1. Modern Language Review, 1995, Critical Reconstructions: The Relationship of Fiction to Life. Ed. By Robert Polhemus and Roger B. Henkle, (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1994)
2-3. The Yearbook of English Studies, Jan. 1996, The Institution of Theory By Murray Krieger, (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994) and The Myth of Theory By William Righter, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994)
4. Modern Language Review, 1996 - Apocalypse Theory and The Ends of the World, Ed. Malcolm Bull (Wolfson College Lectures) Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.
5. Modern Language Review vol 93.3, 1998, pp. 814-5 - N ovel Arguments: Reading Innovative American Fiction, By Richard Walsh. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995)
6. The Yearbook of English Studies vol 26, 1997 - Metaphors of Genre: The Role of Analogies in Genre Theory, by David Fishlov.
7. The Yearbook of English Studies vol 29, 1999, pp. 266-7 - The Translatability of Cultures: Figurations of the Space Between, Ed. Sanford Budick and Wolfgang Iser
8-9. Books in Wales, Autumn 1996, pp. 14-5. Reviews of Poetry in the British Isles: Non-Metropolitan Perspectives, Ed, Hans-Werner Ludwig and Lothar Fietz, and Peripheral Visions: Images of Nationhood in Contemporary British Fiction. Ian A. Bell
10. Modern Language Review, vol 94.3, 1999, pp. 809-10 - T urning Points: Essays in the History of Cultural Expression. By Marshall Brown (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997)
11. Modern Language Review, vol 94.3, 1999, pp. 808-9 - The Division of Literature: Or the University in Deconstruction. By Peggy Kamuf. (Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1997)
12-13. Modern Language Review, vol. 96.2, 2001, pp. 454-5 - Intentions: Negotiated, Contested, and Ignored. By Arabella Lyon. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998; and Loiterature. By Ross Chambers. Lincolon and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1999.
14. Studies in Travel Writing, vol. 6, 2002, pp.142-144 - Defining Travel: Diverse Visions, ed. Susan L. Roberson. Jackson: University of Mississipi Press, 2001
15. Studies in Travel Writing, vol. 11, no. 2, 2007, pp. 205-208 -- Return to Postmodernism: Theory-Travel Writing-Autobiography, ed. Klaus Stierstorfer. Heidelberg, 2005.
16. Review of English Studies, 61 (251, 2010): 667-668. Contemporary British Fiction and the Artistry of Space: Style, Landscape, Perception. By David James.
'Depthlessness and the Postmodern'. University of Leeds. Contexts: Writing and History (1995)
'Of Postmodern Chronotopes, Cyberspace and the Ontology of Multiple Worlds'. University of Luton. Envisaging Futures (1996)
'History, Hybridity and Ethnicity in the Works of Timothy Mo and Caryl Philips'. Tampere, Finland, Crossroads in Cultural Studies (1998)
'The Poetic Image, the Speaking Being and the Poststructuralist World in J.M. Coetzee's Foe', University of Nottingham, Speech, Writing and Context (1998)
'Writing Sites: Towards a Genealogy of Travel', University of Hong Kong (1998)
'From Egeria to Village Nazareth 2000, Pilgrimage and Paradise in the Medieval and the Postmodern', University of Hong Kong (2001)
'Globality in the travel writings of Jan Morris and Pico Iyer', Tampere, Finland, Crossroads in Cultural Studies (2002)
'Modernity, Postmodernity and New/Late Modernity: Perspectives on China's 21st-century architecture', University of Tokyo, (2008)
Organiser (with Julia Kuehn) of Mobilis in Mobile: International Conference in Travel Writing, July, 2005.