Please join us for a festive conclusion to the semester with ‘Love’s Labours Found’: a celebration of the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s First Folio on Friday 24 Nov from 4:30-6:00pm in Seminar Room 7.45, Run Run Shaw Tower.
Published in 1623, Shakespeare’s First Folio presents 36 of his plays, half of which appear for the first time. Dr. Nick Luke and Dr. Kristen Murray will host this event, highlighting contested passages in plays we know well, as well as peerless plays we might have missed. The talk will touch on the complex process that secured this collection for a print run of around 750 leather-bound books of continual global significance.
The HKU School of English celebration will include brief readings (performed by Kristen Murray, Nick Luke, Peter Kennedy and other faculty) from several of the First Folio plays. A table of Elizabethan-inspired refreshments will follow. “Do you think because you are virtuous, there will be no more cake and ale?” (Twelfth Night, II, iii, 113).
“Knowing aforehand of our merriment,” please register here to attend (Love’s Labours Lost, V, ii, 505).