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Credit Transfer

***Reference database: Summary of Approved Credit Transfer Records Since 2017-18 
(For reference only. Suject to the approval by Faculty of Arts office.)

  1. Please refer to the Faculty’s credit transfer webpage for details (http://arts.hku.hk/current-students/undergraduate/forms), and  pay special attention to the Faculty’s Cap Policy on Credit Transfer to HKU Arts Major/Minor:

    • Up to 50% of the transferred credits to HKU can be counted towards each of the Arts major/minor requirements. In other words, students should complete at least 50% of each of the English Studies/Language and Communication major/minor requirements at HKU. A summary table is as follows:
      Requirements   Major Minor
      Max. no. of exchange credits allowed to be transferred to HKU   36 credits 18 credits
      Min. no. of credits completed at HKU   42 credits 18 credits
      Total   78 credits 36 credits
    • Transferred credits in excess of the cap as approved by the major/minor offering Programme(s) will be counted as free elective(s) for the undergraduate degree only.
  2. Check if the host institution offers courses comparable to your declared major(s)/minor(s), which are suitable for credit transfer to HKU. With a view to encouraging students to explore further intellectually during their exchange, it is perfectly fine for students to take courses offered by a host institution which do not exactly match the course contents offered by our School. In other words, course mapping between courses offered by a host institution and our School is not necessary, unless those courses are used to fulfil the inter-disciplinary elective requirements of your major or minor programmes offered outside the School of English which require students to do course mapping.

  3. In alignment with the Faculty’s credit transfer policy, the School normally does not approve credit transfer for capstone courses.

  4. Seek preliminary advice from the School in advance and as early as possible: Before making your course selection at the host institution, students are advised to consult with the Undergraduate Coordinator(s) via School office (english@hku.hk) on the suitability of the proposed courses for ENGL/LCOM (including inter-disciplinary electives offered by other listed programmes stated in the LCOM major and minor syllabuses) credit transfer by providing detailed course information (e.g. a course outline), which should bear the course code (if any) and course title, course contents, contact hours, reading list, assessment activities and breakdown. If the host university does not have an updated course outline right now, a past course outline can also serve for our reference. Please note that the School is unable to offer advice based on insufficient course information.

  5. Formal application for credit transfer shall be submitted to students’ home Faculty Office who will also decide on the number(s) of credits to be transferred. In order to accelerate the application process, when students submit a formal application, they are advised to attach their email correspondence which shows the School’s preliminary advice on credit transfer as a supporting document.