Conference Details
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Thursday 10 July
9.00-9.30 |
Registration (3rd Floor, Run Run Shaw Tower, HKU) |
9.30-9.45 |
(Room 304) |
9.45-11.15 |
Keynote: Josephine McDonagh, 'Transported: Edward Wakefield and the Movement of Populations in the Era of Print'
(Room 304; chair: Julia Kuehn) |
11.15-11.30 |
Coffee Break |
11.30-1.00 |
Panel 1 |
1A: Travel Fictions
(Room 307; chair: Madeleine Seys)
- Kate Newey, ‘Pantomime Utopias – Around the World and Back Again’
- Mandy Treagus, ‘“The Enemy of Romance”: Fictions of the Pacific in the Fin de Siècle’
- Sharin Schroeder, ‘She and He: Travel Fiction, Borrowing, and Literary Plagiarism’
1B: New Women and New Mobilities
(Room 315; chair: Megan Brown)
- Simon Abernethy, ‘Women on the Railways in Greater London 1870-1914’
- Elaine Pigeon, ‘The New Woman’s Chinese Sisters: From Cinderella to Anti-foot-binding Campaigners’
- Carolyn Lake, ‘Agency through Mobility: Young Women and Labour Fiction in late-Victorian London’
1C: Transporting Ideas: Education, Democracy, Domesticity and Aesthetics
(Room 316; chair: Jock Macleod)
- Sheila Cordner, ‘Transporting “Cram”’
- Lucy Hartley, ‘Importing Democracy, Exporting Liberty’
- Lesa Scholl, ‘Hungry for a New Home, Transporting Domesticity in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Mary Barton (1848) and Henry Mayhew’s London Labour and the London Poor (1851-52)’
1.00-2.30 |
(The Eliot Room, 14th Floor, K. K. Leung Building) |
2.30-4.00 |
Panel 2 |
2A: Asia To and Fro
(Room 307; chair: Julia Kuehn)
- Song Gang, ‘The Victorian Remaking of the Celestial Empire: Images of Late Qing China from the Illustrated London News’
- Han-sheng Wang, ‘Importing Heathen Savagery to the Metropole: Empire, Missionary Writing, and Ethnography in George Leslie MacKay’s and William Campbell’s Memoirs about Nineteenth-Century Formosa’
- Julia Kuehn, ‘Cosmopolites, Tourists or Imperial Daughters? Constance Cumming and Isabella Bird in Hong Kong, 1878’
2B: The Public and the Private
(Room 315; chair: Barbara Pauk)
- Joanne Wilkes, ‘Intellectual or Physical Transport? The Case of Elizabeth Julia Hasell and Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine’
- Yi-Ching Teng, ‘Walking in the Dark: Flâneurs in The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’
- Leanne Page, ‘Transporting Secrets, Transgressing Boundaries: The Fraught Pockets of the Sensation Genre’
2C: Sensationalist Wilkie Collins
(Room 316; chair: Haewon Hwang)
- Jessica Valdez, ‘Transporting Lydia Gwilt: Wilkie Collins’s Armadale and Victorian Crime News’
- Wen-lin Lan, ‘Transfer of Malice: Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone’
- Christine Choi Williams, ‘“The Lady is Ugy!”: Sensational Humor and the Mobilization of the Reader’
4.00-4.30 |
Coffee Break |
4.30-6.00 |
Keynote: Stephen Davies, ‘Terminal Dilemma: Hong Kong’s Waterfront 1841-1891’
(Room 304; chair: Douglas Kerr) |
6.00 |
Lion Dance
(G/F, outside Chi Wah Learning Commons, beside Run Run Shaw Tower) |
6.30 |
Wine Reception and ‘Victorian Transport’ Exhibition
(G/F, Chi Wah Learning Commons, beside Run Run Shaw Tower) |
Friday 11 July
9.00-10.30 |
Keynote: Peter McNeil, ‘“The Sunflower Poet”: Oscar Wilde’s Travelling Dress in North America’
(Room 304; chair: Jock Macleod) |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00-12.30 |
Panel 3 |
3A: The Empire and Bodily ‘Delights’
(Room 307; chair: Lesa Scholl)
- Ross Forman, ‘Asian Foods, Western Tastes: The Transportation of Chinese Cuisines across “Greater Britain”’
- Cecilia Leong-Salobir, ‘Cookbooks in Transit: Transporting and Translating Culinary Practices in Colonial Asia’
- Alexis Easley, ‘The Bourgeois Body at Home and Abroad: Tattooing in Illustrated British Periodicals of the 1890s’
3B: Transporting George Eliot
(Room 315; chair: Joanne Wilkes)
- Stephen Hancock, ‘Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Love and George Eliot’s Welcoming Soul’
- Oliver Lovesey, ‘Going Glocal: Transport in George Eliot’
- Margaret Harris, ‘Marian Evans Transported: Fictional Recreations of George Eliot’
3C: From Beginnings to Endings; or, Rail Tracks Above and Below
(Room 316; chair: Simon Abernethy)
- Jason Hall, ‘Networking the New Prosody: Railway Measurement and Mid-Victorian Metrics’
- Haewon Hwang, ‘Signal Failure and “Diabolical Plots”: Transporting Terror in the London Underground’
- Nicola Kirkby, ‘“For ever quiet Passengers”: Post-Mortem Travel and the Necropolitan Terminus’
12.30-2.00 |
(The Eliot Room, 14th Floor, K. K. Leung Building) |
2.00-3.30 |
Panel 4 |
4A: Mobilising Change and Changing Mobilities: The Indian Empire
(Room 307; chair: Gargi Gangopadhyay)
- Muireann O’Cinneide, ‘Wheels Coming Off the Empire: Transport, Flight and Gender in Victorian Accounts of the 1857-8 Indian Uprising’
- Tara Puri, ‘“Our Indian Sisters”: Victorian Women’s Magazines in India’
- Gargi Gangopadhyay, ‘From the Dandy to the Darjeeling Himalayan Railways: Engineering a Hill Station in Colonial India’
4B: Moving Dickens
(Room 315; chair: Cathy Waters)
- Emily Ridge, ‘Dickens’s Luggage: Forms and Fictions of Transportability in Bleak House’
- James Mussell, ‘Whirling Wheels and Moving Lessons: Moving Things in Dickens’s Mugby Junction’
- Klaudia Lee, ‘A Tale of Two Cities, Politics and Chinese History’
4C: Issues of Empire and Writing the Settler Colonies
(Room 316; chair: Anna Johnston)
- Billy Bin Feng Huang, ‘Transported into the Bosom of the Empire? Rethinking how Arthur Conan Doyle Persuades his Readers of British Imperialism in “The Speckled Band”’
- Michelle Smith, ‘Importing and Transforming Narratives of Colonial Danger: The Natural Environments of Australia and New Zealand in Children’s Literature, 1862-1899’
- Tamara Wagner, ‘Pat Endings and Failed Emigration: Transporting the “Superfluous” in Victorian Fiction’
3.30-3.45 |
Coffee Break |
3.45-5.15 |
Panel 5 |
5A: Australia, New Zealand and Colonial Knowledge
(Room 307; chair: Michelle Smith)
- Megan Brown, ‘Louisa Atkinson: Transporting Botany Physically and Metaphorically’
- Anna Johnston, ‘Travelling Readers, Reading Travellers: Globalisation and Textual Cultures’
- Meg Tasker, ‘First Impressions of “Home”’
5B: (New) Women and the Bicycle
(Room 315; chair: Duc Dau)
- Clare Mendes, ‘The Cycling New Woman in the 1890s Woman’s Press’
- Eva Chen, ‘Its Prohibitive Cost: the Bicycle, the New Woman and Commodity Display’
- Madeleine Seys, ‘The Young Lady in Grey, the Draper and The Wheels of Chance: Traversing Narratives of Gender and Social Mobility in H. G. Wells’ Cycling Adventure’
5C: Cross-Channel and Transatlantic Travels
(Room 316; chair: Margaret Harris)
- Catherine Waters and Angela Dunstan, ‘New Communication Technologies for Old? The Victorian Special Correspondent and the 1865 Atlantic Cable Expedition’
- Barbara Pauk, ‘Cross-Channel Exchanges: Mary Mohl’s History of Women’s Roles in French Society’
- Claire Thomas, ‘“Not to Embellish the Gallery of some Affluent Nation”: The Eastlakes, Acquisitiveness, and the Transportation of Italian Art to Britain’s National Gallery’
5.30 |
bus transfer to Central Ferry Pier (Pier 9); departure by boat to Rainbow Restaurant, Lamma Island (leaves 6.15); return to Hong Kong Island by boat (8.45, 9.30 or 10.30) |
Saturday 12 July
9.00-10.30 |
Keynote: James Buzard, ‘Travel’s Others: Realism, Location, Dislocation’
(Room 304; chair: Haewon Hwang) |
10.30-11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00-12.30 |
Panel 6 |
6A: Sino-British Journeys
(Room 307; chair: Ailise Bulfin)
- Jenny Huangfu Day, ‘Passengers of the British Empire: Qing Diplomats and Travelers on Transoceanic Tours’
- HollyGale Milette, ‘Limehouse: A Sino-British Interchange on the Victorian Water-Highway?’
- Elizabeth Chang, ‘Transporting Chinese Landscape’
6B: The Railway
(Room 315; chair: Nicola Kirkby)
- Christopher Donaldson, ‘Transport and Tourism in Victorian Lakeland: Texts, Places and GIS’
- Hannah Scally, ‘The Concept of Transport in the Commercial Carrying Trade, 1850-1900’
- Deborah Logan, ‘Harriet Martineau on the Road: Corduroy Roads, Arrogant Camels, and Railway Smashes’
6C: On and Off the Ground
(Room 316; chair: Mandy Treagus)
- Judith Johnston, ‘Pedestrian Poetics: Transports of Delight’
- Abbie Garrington, ‘Sublimity to Bathos: Literary Mountaineering’s Rise and Fall’
- Ainslie Robinson, ‘Getting off the Ground: Aerial Stunts and Other Experimental Feats of Daring in the Nineteenth Century’
12.30-2.00 |
(The Eliot Room, 14th Floor, K. K. Leung Building) |
2.00-3.30 |
Panel 7 |
7A: Travels in and out of China
(Room 315; chair: Douglas Kerr)
- John Shufelt, ‘Bitter Cargo: the “Coolie Trade” of Amoy, 1847-1867’
- Ailise Bulfin, ‘Colonial Authors and the Dissemination of the “Yellow Peril”: the Transport of a People and of a Racist Myth’
- Douglas Kerr, ‘Kipling in China: Empires of Noise’
7B: Rapture, Suffering and Subjectivity in Aesthetics
(Room 316; chair: Kelly Tse)
- Duc Dau, ‘Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and The Song of Songs’
- Nikolai Endres, ‘Wagnerian Transport: Richard Wagner and Oscar Wilde’
- Chi-she Li, ‘Mobility and Narrative Voice’
3.30-4.00 |
Coffee Break |
4.00-4.15 |
Closing Remarks
(Room 304; Jock Macleod, AVSA President) |
4.15-5.15 |
(Room 304) |