Announcement of Winners - School of English Logo Competition

The selection committee for the New School of English Logo Competition is pleased to announce the three winners:


First Prize: Lee Kin Yeung, Adrian (BA3)

Second Prize: Li Lok Ching, Rachel (BA3)

Third Prize: Chik Wai Chi, Wilson (PhD)



The selection panel – consisting of a group of teachers from the School of English and the Chair of the English Association – thought Adrian’s design elegant, professional and thoughtful. As Adrian explained: 'The logo takes a circular form with overlapping primary colours adapted from the HKU logo. The overlapping colours symbolise the dynamicity and multifariousness of studying in the School of English, and how we gain more perspectives as we learn more in our careers.

We will update our visual identity and promotion materials with the winning logo from September. So stay tuned.


Last updated: 12 September 2019