Welcome to the Alumni Magazine! At present the magazine has two sections: Features, and Memories.
We will be adding new features every month. If you would like to contribute a feature article, or if you have a request or suggestion for future features, please contact us at engalums@hku.hk.
Earlier feature articles will in due course be moved to the Archive.
New Features for the month
We welcome contributions from alumni. Please share your memories of student days with us. Whether it’s an anecdote of only a few lines, or a longer reminiscence, we would love to hear from you. Perhaps a story sent in by someone else will jog your own memory; you are welcome to send in as many Memories, and as often, as you like. Please send them to us by email addressed to engalums@hku.hk. Put MEMORIES in the title line, and include your name and the date of your graduation in the message. We will add your Memory to the Memories file.
We’ll be delighted to receive photographic Memories too, but please include a note explaining whom or what they show, and give the date if you can remember it.
Photo Albums: