Dear alumni, Dear friends,

I would like to let you know that I have taken early retirement from HKU from September 1, 2016. I meant to send this message earlier but thought I would wait till I have good news about retirement to report. Well, I can now let you know that retirement is absolutely brilliant! Though I wouldn’t go so far as to say I should have done it earlier and I have fond memories of people I like and worked with at HKU, I do wonder if the securities we hang on to and routines we build may not end up constraining us and making us dull-witted. And forty years at HKU, for me at least, is really long enough.

Some of you who have heard about my retirement have written to ask after me. I am very touched by your thoughtful messages and concern. I’ll be in Hong Kong until later this year when I’ll move to London to live for most of the time, interspersed, I hope, by extended annual returns. I’m not on Facebook but my email address will remain for a while and I do look forward to hearing from those of you who wish to get in touch.

With all good wishes, as always,



Published on: August 31, 2017 < Back >